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ASSAULT ON MARRIAGE by Stanley Dickson (Part 3)


I hope you have a most wonderful marriage, and if so I praise God with you. However, do not take your happiness for granted. By all means be on your guard, and keep your heart and mind clear of the number one enemy, selfishness. With anguish of heart we all know of good marriages that have turned bad. It did not just happen, but some of the things we will discuss found their way into the life of the marriage.

To borrow from the Hebrew writer concerning bitterness, “...thereby many be defiled.” Hebrews 12:15. When a marriage goes sour and selfishness begins to reign, not only is the couple defiled, but alas, many are defiled. How many spoiled marriages have you seen that only affected the couple? I will tell you how many— none. There is always fallout and injury to the innocent and to society every time. Never be so bold as to say it should be of no concern to anyone else and that it is your business alone. When a marriage fails we all lose. Satan knows this very well and rejoices at a couple’s calamity and the ensuing effect.

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